Saturday, February 27, 2010

Some of my best friends are Pitbulls.

You can read about one of the best pitties ever, Jackson Alden, a PLL alumni this week in the Sonoma Sun. Check him out! Pretty impressive resume, huh?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Stuck inside on this dreary rainy day? Why not do a little online shopping? Pets Lifeline has a brand new online store. There you will find cool items for people and pets with the PLL logo and more!

Be cool! Impress your friends! And remember, proceeds from your purchases go to support the animals at Pets Lifeline. Its a win-win!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dumpling Rescued from a Dumpster!

Have you heard the sad tale of Dumpling? This funny little dog was found inside a garbage bag in a dumpster. He was dehydrated, hungry, and filthy. But thankfully, he made it here to Pets Lifeline and now he is on the road to recovery and ready to find a new and better life. Doesn't take much to be better than left for dead in a dumpster!

Read more, see pictures and video at the Sonoma Index-Tribune online.